How to Plant and Grow Swiss Chard
Swiss chard is a member of the beet family grown for its rosette of large, crinkly green leaves on thick red, white, or rainbow stalks. Plants can grow to 16 inches tall and leaves and stalks can be...
View ArticleHow to Plant and Grow Watermelon
The watermelon is a tender, warm-weather annual. Watermelons along with muskmelons and cantaloupes are sometimes called summer melons. They thrive in hot weather. Watermelons are easy to grow. They...
View ArticleHow to Plant and Grow Sweet Corn
Sweet corn is a warm-season annual. It is one of the most popular home garden crops and one of the most widely planted commercial crops. Sweet corn is grown for its juicy, plump, sweet-flavored...
View ArticleHow to Plant and Grow Tomatillos
The tomatillo is a warm-weather crop. Tomatillos are easy to grow and bear fruit all summer long. Tomatillo fruit is used to make sauces and salads and is very popular in Mexican and Southwestern...
View ArticleHow to Plant and Grow Okra
Okra is a tender, heat-loving annual best grown in very warm climates. It is grown for the peculiar, mucilaginous taste of its immature pods, commonly called gumbo. Okra is primarily a tropical crop,...
View ArticleHow to Plant and Grow Artichokes
Artichokes are perennial plants. Artichokes prefer cool, moist summers and mild winters. The perennial artichoke plant will not survive where the ground freezes. The artichoke is an edible thistle...
View ArticleHow to Plant and Grow Endive and Escarole
Curly or curled endive and escarole are cool-weather vegetables; they are varieties of the same plant. Curly endive has curled, ruffled leaves and escarole has smooth leaves. Curly endive is sometimes...
View ArticleHow to Plant, Grow, and Harvest Chinese Cabbage
Chinese cabbage is a large group of cabbages that can be divided into two categories–heading and non-heading leafy greens. The heading types include Napa cabbage–also called Hakusai, Michili, celery...
View ArticleHow to Plant and Grow Snap Beans
Snap beans–also called green beans–are tender annuals best planted shortly after the last frost in spring. Snap beans are grown for fresh eating or for canning. The color of snap beans can vary. Green...
View ArticleHow to Plant and Grow Spinach
Plant spinach in cool weather. It is well suited for the spring and autumn gardens. Plant spinach before the weather warms in spring and again as the weather cools in early autumn. (When days lengthen...
View ArticleHow to Plant and Grow Kale
Kale is a leafy cool-weather crop that requires two months of cool weather to reach harvest. Kale is a biennial plant, a hardy brassica (member of the cabbage/mustard family). Mature kale leaves can...
View ArticleHow to Plant and Grow Cauliflower
Cauliflower is grown for its edible flower buds that form a solid head atop single stalks. The heads are edible raw or cooked. While cauliflower is perhaps the most delicious member of the cabbage...
View ArticleHow to Plant and Grow Broccoli
Broccoli is an edible flower. Broccoli is a cool-season crop. Grow broccoli so that it comes to harvest when temperatures average no more than 75°F (23°C) each day. Broccoli heads are clusters of...
View ArticleHow to Plant, Grow, and Harvest Cardoon
Cardoon is a tender perennial vegetable often grown as an annual. Cardoon looks like a cross between burdock and celery. It is grown for its young leaf stalks which are blanched and eaten like celery....
View ArticleHow to Plant and Grow Endive and Escarole
Curly or curled endive and escarole are cool-weather vegetables; they are varieties of the same plant. Curly endive has curled, ruffled leaves and escarole has smooth leaves. Curly endive is sometimes...
View ArticleHow to Plant and Grow Artichokes
Artichokes are perennial plants. Artichokes prefer cool, moist summers and mild winters. The perennial artichoke plant will not survive where the ground freezes. The artichoke is an edible thistle...
View ArticleHow to Plant and Grow Okra
Okra is a tender, heat-loving annual best grown in very warm climates. It is grown for the peculiar, mucilaginous taste of its immature pods, commonly called gumbo. Okra is primarily a tropical crop,...
View ArticleHow to Plant and Grow Endive and Escarole
Curly or curled endive and escarole are cool-weather vegetables; they are varieties of the same plant. Curly endive has curled, ruffled leaves and escarole has smooth leaves. Curly endive is sometimes...
View ArticleHow to Plant, Grow, and Prune Blackberries
Blackberry plants are easy to plant and grow. The blackberry is a vigorous grower. Modern blackberry varieties and cultivars are derived from native species which are still found growing wild along...
View ArticleHow to Plant, Grow, and Prune Raspberries
Raspberries are perhaps the most delicate fruit. This makes them a good choice for home growing and fresh picking. Just harvested raspberries quickly pass from ripe to overripe. It is difficult to...
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